
Link State Routing Protocols

On this occasion we will discuss about the link-state routing protocols. But before we review the back of distance vector protocols and the difference is with a link-state routing protocols. To illustrate the difference in distance vector routing protocols and link state we can use an analogy. In distance vector analogous to a road signs that guide us in our journey towards the goal, where the information contained only distance and direction. In link state, routing protocol analogous to a map. With a map we can see all the potential routes and determine their own path that we want most.
Distance vector routing protocols such as road signs because the router must make decisions based on the most desirable path of a distance or metric into a network. Just as travelers trust a signpost that shows the exact directions to the next town, a distance vector router to believe that other routers have to inform the proper distance to the destination network.
Link-state routing protocol uses another approach. Link-state routing protocol is more like a road map because they make a map of the topology of a network and each router uses this map to determine the shortest path to each network. Similarly, when we refer to a map to find routes to other cities, router-router link-state using a map to determine the most desirable path to achieve the other goals.
Routers that run a link-state routing protocols send information about the status of its link to other routers in the routing area. Status of this link refers to the network that connects directly to him and include information about the types of networks and neighboring routers on the network, so-called link-state routing protocol.
Link-state routing protocol is also known as shortest path first protocol and is built on the shortest path first algorithm Edsger Dijkstra's.
Routing protocols are link-stater IP:

* Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
* Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)

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